Did she act accordingly?

So this story got to me over the weekend.  We never know when we will need that call for help in that dire situation.  I have never been in a flash flood, but seen them happen especially on TV and the news.   The mother was on her last route in Arkansas, when the flood came out of nowhere. 
She never learned how to swim.  My mom is 75 and never learned how to swim.   So this woman was mocked for supposedly making a miscalculation in her judgement or was in her car when the water just rushed over the road surrouunding her car. 

So did this 911 dispatcher act accordingly and ethically or was what she did was immoral?  Most calls I do hear and see on the news do excellent jobs in guiding their callers to saving their lives. It is a shame in this day and world that the dispatcher did not do her job.  Was it moral or ethical what she did? 

Debbie Stevens, 47, pictured left was on her regular newspaper route when a flash flood swept up her car. 911 dispatcher, Donna Reneau, who was working her last shift after putting in her two weeks notice, is under fire for her "uncaring" response.

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